Grade 6 PEP Science CBT Content Outline

PEP Performance Task

The PEP Science Curriculum Based Test is constructed to target three areas:
  1. Core Concepts
  2. Science Practices
  3. Crosscutting concepts.

Core Concepts

How well the student knows important science concepts and understand their roles in the study of Science.


How well the student combines knowledge from the physical and life sciences to explain new situations.

Science Practices

How well the student uses science inquiry to gather and make sense of information and solve real world problems.

Unit: Environment

I will know that I have learned when I can:

  1. Formulate a definition of the environment.
  2. Justify the importance of conserving the natural environment.
  3. Outline the effects of human activities on the environment.
  4. Investigate features/ soils of different environments.
  5. Recognise the need for and importance of conserving living things and the environment to sustain the balance in the ecosystem.
  6. Show concern for the impact of humans on the environment.
  7. Show responsibility to preserve the environment.
  8. Observe, collect and record information regarding the interacting factors within an environment.
  9. Formulate a simple working definition of climate change.
  10. Use evidence from everyday local/regional/international situations to explain the effects of climate change on humans.
  11. Explore ways of reducing factors that cause climate change.
  12. Propose measures to reduce/eliminate selected sources of solid waste pollution.
  13. Describe the factors that cause soil degradation.
  14. Explain how soil degradation can be prevented.
  15. Show concern for the impact of environmental problems on humans.
  16. Show responsibility for carrying out good environmental practices.